April 26, 2012

April 26, 2012 - Waiting For You

This one is based off of a song of the same name done by my good friend Sovereign. I just pictured a sombre scene in my head and I thought I would share it will all of you. Different colours or fonts will symbolize the different stories of the people I see.

I hope Daddy is coming home... He always told me He wouldn't leave me here. Grandma and Grandpa are nice... But I miss my Daddy. Mommy said Daddy would always take care of me and always come home. I... *sniffle* I want my Daddy... Why isn't He coming home? Why won't Grandma and Grandpa let me go find Him? He said He would always come home... Grandpa... Where is Daddy? Why isn't He home yet? ....... Grandma...why are you crying...? Is Daddy ok? Is He coming home...? Where is my Daddy...?

Sitting at the window every night. The phone is there beside you. You wait for the inevitable phone call... Something has happened... But the phone doesn't ring. No car pulls in the driveway... You just sit there by the phone, looking out the window. Are they coming back? You don't know... Even if you got the phone call saying something happened... At least you would know God damn it! All this waiting... It's driving you mad! You scream into a pillow and cry. The phone stays silent. No cars pull in... So you wait...

Your wife just went out for some groceries... That was 3 hours ago... It never takes this long. You were in the shower or you would have joined her. She could have waited, but you needed food for your children. Your oldest asks where Momma Jess is. You said she's still at the store. It must be really busy today. Lots of other little boys and girls need their mommy's to bring home food, too. You find something to make them. It's not what you were planning and their supper should be soon... But you can't let them starve. Maybe in a few minutes you will call your mother, ask her to take care of the kids while you look for your wife... A few more minutes...

The hospital is cold... Why is it cold? Wait... Why am I in the hospital? Wait... Where is my baby?! Oh God... What happened? Where is my baby?! Please, someone come... Why isn't this button working?! God damn you! Why aren't you coming?! I... I can't wait like this... Wait a minute... Why can't I move...? Damn you all! Where is my baby!! ... Why is no one answering me... Please God... Please send someone soon... I... I don't know how much longer I can wait... Please...

Late again.. You don't know why you bother trying with the ungrateful brats... Staying up late to make sure they even come home... But at least your son usually has the common sense to come home before one o'clock in the bloody morning! You understand that there is a Halloween party going at some friend's house, but he actually made you a promise to come home tonight. Hell, if not come home, at least have the decency to call saying he will be staying over! Maybe even ask you to pick him up if he's had way too much. But that's just placing hope where it doesn't deserve to be... But still... He's your youngest... So you will wait for him to come home like you do every night...

The car is still running... Why is the car still running...? The lights are.... Oh God... Is that.... Sheila? Sheila?! Why... Why can't I move my legs...? Sheila?! Please, baby, answer me! Why... Why aren't you answering me? Sheila?! Wait.... Am... Am I even saying anything? My... My phone... I can see it from here... Maybe I can.... OH GOD!! No....nononononononono.... I.... I can't get it, baby... I... My arm... What... Maybe if I... Maybe if I look ar-.... Where did all these trees come from...? Where the hell are we? Sheila?! Baby! Please talk to me! Oh God, just say something!! Anything!! Please baby.... I... I'm going to try..... Oh God... I don't know... I don't know if I can get to you... Just... Hold on, baby! Just... Wait a little longer... Maybe.... Maybe I can call for help... Just... Wait a little longer... Hold on, baby... I love you...


Grandpa... What are they doing with Daddy...? Why is He in that box...? If Daddy is tired, He should be in bed! That box doesn't look very comfy... Grandpa... Why is Daddy sleeping in that box? He was going to give me a hug when He got home... Grandma... Why isn't Grandpa answering me? Why is Daddy in that box? Gr-Grandma... Why are they putting Daddy's box in the ground..? He won't be able to get out if they do that! Daddy promised He would come home... Why aren't they letting Him come home?! GRANDMA! GRANDPA!! NOO!! Daddy needs to come home!! Let me wake Daddy up and we can all go home together!! NOOO!!!!!!

There... There's a car... What is... Kevin?! God, Kevin is home! You don't know how long it's been since he was shipped out... And he's finally home! You never thought this day would come! You always expected a phone call... Or someone knocking at the door with his dog tags... But never this! You don't remember the last time you held him in your arms, but you don't plan on letting go. You've waited too long.

A phone call? It's... It's the hospital... There was an accident at the store... Your wife... She got hurt... They would have called sooner, but they needed there wasn't time. There were other people involved... But... It looks like she's going to be ok. They give you her room number. She's not in intensive care, but they want to keep her overnight for observation. You tell the kids that Momma Jess got hurt and you are going to see her. The cheer that Momma Kat saved the day by finding Momma Jess. If you hadn't waited... You might have missed the call...

My... My baby.... Why... Why is no one coming? I... I'm so tired... Why won't anyone tell me where my baby is...? I... I just want to hear my baby cry... Just once... Just... Why isn't anyone coming...? I'm... I'm so tired of waiting... I just... I just want to meet my baby... Just once.... Please...?

The phone call... He's not where you thought he would be. This so-called friend was driving around drunk with him in the backseat! Got pulled over, but he's not in the police station with this friend. Stupid child is in the hospital getting his stomach pumped... But he's alive. It's more than you were expecting; less than you hoped for. He was going to call you, ask you to come get him... But he didn't think he should leave his friend alone... Stupid for needing his stomach pumped... Smart for not wanting to leave his drunk friend to get hurt... He finally tells you how much he appreciates you, how much he loves you... You've waited so many years to hear your son say that again... You promise to be there in half an hour... If he can stand to wait in the hospital that much longer.

Sheila... Oh God... I'm so sorry... I... I can't feel my legs... My arm... It's.. It's not working... I can't reach my phone... You don't have to talk, I understand. Don't worry, baby... Everything is... Is going to be... Ok... Just... Just have to wait a bit longer... Help... Help should be coming... I hope.. Oh please, God... Let someone be coming... Please.. I don't know how much longer we can wait... Please... Oh God... Sheila...? I... I can hear you! Baby.. Just hold on!! Maybe... Maybe if I work at it.... OH FUCK!! I'm sorry baby... I... I tried to grab my phone... It's... It's broken... Just... We need to wait... Someone will come... Someone has to come... I don't know how much longer we can wait...

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