April 23, 2012

April 23, 2012 - What Is Love

This is sort of an introspective piece. I say sort of because it's only partly based on my own emotions. The rest is based on observations of myself and other people as seen by an outside party. It may change from this initial intent, but what ever <3

Love... You don't know what it is anymore. Everyone seems to think it's something different... Why can't Love just be Love? Why can't it just be that simple? Because of people... People make it not simple... This is why you can't have all those nice things. Because of Love.

Someone Loves a lot of people, and someone else doesn't understand. Someone is being used by Love, and their partner thinks that's what it is. Someone has more Love for their online family than their offline family...


It's such a funny word. So many definitions, so many incarnations... All of them different, all of them more complex than they need to be.

But you know they may not understand your own definition... And you have many. Too many to count. Not that you want to try...

Your Love is terribly complex. It makes you cry sometimes when people don't understand how you Love them, why you Love them... You have so much Love, and no one really understands it...

Put on a brave face. Smile. Talk. Try and bring cheer. Be the shoulder to cry on. The pillow to scream into. The wall to talk to. All for Love. A Love they won't understand. Can't understand.

Later, you can let yourself cry. Cry into a pillow. A teddy bear. On the floor. Because they can't see your tears. They wouldn't understand why you cry. Because you don't always cry for yourself.

Sometimes you cry for them...

1 comment:

  1. Hu.But it is not acceptable in all case.
